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Practical issues

Reimbursement for children and young people up to the age of 18



Praktijk de Hoofdroute has a contract with Holland Rijnland for reimbursed care for children and young people up to the age of 18. This means that payment to practice De Hoofdroute takes place between the practice and the municipalities. You will therefore no longer receive an invoice. Please note, however, this only applies to the municipalities with which the practice has a contract for 2020. However, this contract is limited.


As of January 1, 2015, mental health care for children and young people up to the age of 18 falls under the responsibility of the municipalities and the costs of treatment are paid by your municipality.

The municipalities impose strict conditions on access to and reimbursement for psychological care. For treatment reimbursed by the municipality of Holland Rijnland, a referral from a doctor or general practitioner or an allocation from the Youth and Family Team is required. This means that with a referral, an application must first be made to Holland Rijnland for reimbursement of the assistance.

The referral letter from the GP must state that it concerns a referral for (Youth) GGZ and that there is a suspicion of a DSM disorder.


Keep in mind that there is a maximum reimbursement. If there are more calls than the number that you will be reimbursed, the costs of these calls are for your own account. We will always discuss this with you.


You can also call in our help without the intervention of the general practitioner or the JGT. In that case you pay the costs for the treatments yourself.

Young people and adults from 18 years old

We have not concluded any contracts with health insurers. This means that our care for young people and adults from the age of 18 is not reimbursed by your health insurer.

Canceling appointments

You can of course cancel an appointment. You can cancel by telephone, email or WhatsApp.

If you do this 24 hours in advance, no costs will be charged.

You will receive an invoice for appointments that are canceled for less than 24 hours.

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